Order Guidelines

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Delicia: A&W (not really my taste)

Date: 21/04/2012
Venue: Taman Tasik Seremban
Time: Around 5:30 pm after Asar




Masjid Negeri

Masjid Negeri again

Look there! It's Seremban Parade. Okay just wanna tell u that =.= The red-roof-building is the A&W restaurant.

Kiteww adeww twin. Kau adeww??

Just testing to edit photo this way. Err tak suke sangat kot.


Let's eat!

Venue: A&W Seremban

My A&W Root Beer Float. One scoop of vanilla ice cream only. I like the ice cream. Haha. But after you have finished the ice cream, you wont expect yourself to finish the rest of the drink. Muak, you know? haha

Next, me and Fiqah bought this ice cream. Okay I like this.
Oh ya, meet Syaza and Nabila. Our classmates too.

On our way back to college. So this is The Royale Bintang. Insha Allah our grand dinner will be held here! hahahahaha! Tak sabarnyewww.

Kesimpulannya, kenapa A&W is not really my taste? Sebabnya harganya lebih mahal. haha. Rasanya gua lagi tahan kot kalau dok kat KFC. Boleh makan cheezy wedges ke, burger pun lagi murah. Kentang putar ke.. Kat A&W mahal lah! Okay just my thought. Dah la jarang gile makan A&W. Hahahaha kbye.


  1. hak.hak.hak.hak.hak.
    nak jd anonimouse jugak la.haha.
    what i can ssay is poyonyer gambar2 dlm ni. kahkhakahkahk.
    okay.mintak maaf. huhu.

    saya ialah datin L wannabe. hahaha. jangan amin.

  2. you look so nice with that scarf !
    and the way you wear it !
    bru la nmpk kemas siket dan sedap mate memandang.
    i rindu melihat gadis2 memakai tudung bawal...

  3. haha shadap ony.
    maknenye before ni kite comot??

