Hi and so, last November 8 was Abzarul's birthday.
She's my friend, since KMS. Hehee
I was sooo boring that I decided to make this doodle for her, realising it was her birthday at that time. Just the right idea came on the right time. She loves animals, frogs and lions especially, so I really hope this design suits her. Andddd, credit to Hazim for the "ROAR! Stay cute and fierce" wish. I'm bad in creating english phrases mehehehe.
And oh! I just discovered about 'flat design'. Auni (my Fo9 buddy) told me to search about it and yep, i love it! She's a graphic art student, so anything regarding designing, she would be the person whom I seek for. Hence, I tried to make one, which turned out to be a not-soooo-good design of flat design, but it's okay! Will try better next time!
(If only I could have this kind of spirit when it comes to study haih -_-'')
Till then, bye!
Assalamualaikum :)